电热式加湿器Electic heat type humidifie (FRJ-E/P型)■ 由于电极式加湿器用水作电阻加湿,其额定加湿量及控制精度受到水质影响,系统可靠性降低,维护费用高。■ 电热式加湿器用发热元件加湿,其额定加湿量及控制精度与水质无关,具有加湿量自动调节、控制精度高等优点。■ 如使用纯水,可获得特别洁净的蒸汽■ 故对于重要场所应优先选用电热式加湿器■ Because electode type humidifie use wate as esistance fo humidification, its ated humidification quantity and contol pecision ae subject to the wate quality, and low wywtem eliability and high maintenance cost.■ Electiec heat type humidifie use heating elements fo humidification and its ated humidification quantity and contol pecision ae not elated to wate quality, have the advantages of automation adjustment and high pecision contol.■ If using the pue wate, clean steam can be obtained.■ Theefoe, electic heat type humidifie should be pefeed in the impotant places.